Support OLV

A lot happens during 12 months at our parish. But it can’t happen without you.

Whether you’re a regular parishioner or an occasional visitor, you can help ensure this parish and its facilities are protected for the future. Prayer, financial support and volunteering your time and talents – everyone can help.

Planned Giving

Regular planned giving ensures the parish can pay its daily operational bills. The Second Collection supports a priest, keeps the power on, water running, insurance paid, liturgical items in stock – everything Father needs to keep the doors open. It is also critical for us to demonstrate we can access parish loans when necessary.

Your weekly or monthly support, regular and committed, is deeply appreciated.

We run an annual Parish Appeal to keep our planned giving records up to date, but you can join at any time.

Contact us for details about setting up a direct debit payment or use the Parish Giving App to set up automatic payments.

Endowment Fund

The Parish established an Endowment Fund in 2019. The money is invested and receives an annual return which can be reinvested or used for Parish expenses.

This is a valuable way to help future generations. Your contributions to the Fund will keep on earning, year after year.

Donate online at any time on the Catholic Foundation website. Be sure to select Bowen Hills – Our Lady of Victories parish on the menu.

Give in your Will

A Gift in your Will (Bequest) can make a significant difference. Consider the legacy you’d like to leave for the future of Our Lady of Victories parish.

All donors and benefactors are remembered at our Sunday Masses.

Container Refund

An easy way to generate cash for the Parish is to recycle your eligible containers.

Donate to the Parish Scheme ID: C10196012

Last financial year we raised over $500. Can you help us double that amount?

You can even bring your containers and use the green bins near the Upper Hall.

Go online or download the app to set up an automatic weekly gift to Our Lady of Victories.


The government does not provide tax deductibility for donations to religious organisations.
However you can make a tax deductible donation to the National Trust (Qld) via our Heritage Appeal.
Contact us for more details or Visit here for online donations and scroll to the bottom of the page to see our parish appeal name listed.

Prayer for our Parish

Heavenly Father, we the people of Our Lady of Victories Catholic Parish praise and thank You for calling us to be Your People. Pour down Your grace and mercy upon our parish.

Holy Spirit, send Your fire into our hearts and minds. Help us to obey Your will. Renew us, unite us, make us one family in You. Lord Jesus, we offer and consecrate our beloved parish to Your Sacred Heart, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, our Mother.

Almighty and ever living God, we beg forgiveness for our sins, the sins of our city, the sins of our country, and the sins of our world. We declare You to be our King. Free us from the lies and empty promises of evil.

We pray for our priests and religious; for our parish ministries; for our families, our youth, the sick, the lonely, and the elderly. We pray for the needs of all our parishioners, and for our own special intentions.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us
Saint Joseph, pray for us
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us
Saint Faustina, pray for us
Saint John Paul II, pray for us
Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop, pray for us
All holy patrons of our parish, pray for us