
Authentically Catholic

Our Lady of Victories parish has provided authentic spiritual nourishment for thousands of people since the church was consecrated in 1925 as Queensland’s premier Catholic World War I memorial.

The iconic Blue Cross shines as a beacon of perpetual remembrance, and as a symbol of Jesus Christ’s message of hope and salvation, brought to us through His mother Mary.

That message was preached on the main altar by Saint John Paul II, then Cardinal Wojtyla, when he visited the parish in 1973 – just five years before he became Pope.

He remains with us now as a patron of our parish with his first class relic present in our Church.

The heritage-listed site is treasured by many people, who travel from all over Brisbane to worship here regularly.  As a close-knit family of both English and Polish speaking parishioners, we are committed to preserving its rich faith and cultural traditions as well as encouraging a new springtime of growth.

Faith and culture

Our parish features beautiful liturgy, music, spiritual education, prayer support, opportunities for fellowship (in both English and Polish) and much more.

We celebrate a rich sacramental life with frequent Holy Masses, adoration and confession times. We renew our Consecration to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart on First Fridays and First Saturdays, pray novenas to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, hold monthly Fatima candelight processions, scapular enrolment and offer regular communal prayer with the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet.

Dedicated as a shrine to Our Lady of Czestochowa since 1962, devotion to the Rosary, Divine Mercy and the Holy Family is strongly encouraged.

We want you to feel welcome and supported on your spiritual journey.

The Polish community has been an integral part of the parish since the 1950s and continues to call Our Lady of Victories their spiritual and cultural home. We are blessed to be served by Society of Christ priests and Missionary Sisters of Christ the King, religious orders dedicated to serving Polish migrants around the world. They minister to both English-speaking and Polish-speaking parishioners in Brisbane, the Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast.

Polish scouting, language, culture and dance groups remain very active at the parish facilities.

Our Lady of Victories statue